Images of rope hammocks and concerns of comfort are common for many people. In many communities, however, hammocks are a way of life. They’re perfect for relaxing or sleeping all night. It’s time to put some of the hammock myths away because this sleeping arrangement is one of the healthiest ones that a person can choose. Explore the benefits of sleeping in a hammock and how to achieve the proper position.
Encouraging Healthy Sleep Positions

Consider how the average person sleeps on a traditional bed. Sleeping on the side, back or stomach is a preference, and many people toss and turn throughout the night to achieve each of these positions.
The latest scientific studies tell the world that sleeping on the back is the healthiest way to rest. The lungs can expand and contract while the neck remains in a comfortable position for breathing and blood circulation.
Stomach and side sleepers might pull muscles and hinder organ functions. Waking up with a headache may also be a common occurrence.
Hammocks naturally cradle a person so that back sleeping is the norm.
Recalling the Womb
One of the reasons why sleeping in a hammock is so beneficial is its similarity to the womb. Humans arrive in the world after being carried in the fetal position for many months. Scientists believe that this position is part of the primal state within the human mind. It conjures up comforting thoughts and relaxing moods. It’s often associated with being cuddled or hugged.
The hammock creates this comforting world when people were just developing in the womb. Hammocks cradle and practically immerse people in soft material. Heart rates slow down and the body relaxes as a result of this sleeping position.
Forgetting Those Pressure Points
Hammocks don’t have pressure points. The person hangs in midair for the entire night. There isn’t a surface that’s pressing against the body, which often wakes up the person otherwise. In fact, people toss and turn at night because of these pressure points. Take away the unusual pressure on the body, and restful sleep is achieved.
This particular benefit is often the main reason why people switch to hammock sleeping. Gravity and a bed’s surface can only be adjusted to a certain degree. Soft materials making up a hammock will cradle a person with uniform weight distribution every time.
Enjoying the Sway of Sleeping in a Hammock

When people learn how to sleep in a hammock, they realize that part of the experience is the sway. The slightest movements will cause the hammock to slightly swing. This motion has a calming effect on nearly every human. It reminds the primal mind about being rocked to sleep as a baby.
Swaying also takes the mind off of everyday worries. The mind focuses on the movement rather than a concern about tomorrow’s tasks. People fall asleep faster than ever before. The swaying stops as soon as the person reaches light sleep. Contrary to popular thought, swaying doesn’t keep the person awake.
Entering Deep Sleep
Deep sleep is where people dream the most vividly during the night. It’s also the time when bodily healing occurs. Achieving deep sleep can be a challenge at times when a bed isn’t very comfortable. Turning to a hammock can be a simple answer.
Because the body has no pressure points, there’s no reason to wake and turn. People have a chance to enter deep sleep more often each night. Upon awakening, hammock sleepers feel refreshed and ready to face the day.
It takes just a bit of education to learn how to sleep in a hammock. From that point forward, deep sleep is a constant companion.
Reducing Those Common Allergens
There’s a lot of maintenance that goes into a standard bed. Washing the sheets, vacuuming the mattresses and flipping them on a periodic basis are commonplace. People may be diligent about these household tasks, but the bed is still full of dust and other allergens.
For sensitive people, these allergens can be overwhelming in any bed. Hammocks present a fresh alternative during rest. Most quality hammocks are made out of soft fabrics that can be laundered as necessary. There are no thick layers that can trap allergens. Toss the hammock in a large washing machine or hand wash it. There are no allergens to bother the household anymore.
Aligning the Neck and Head
Almost every person has slept in an unusual position on a bed, and they awaken to a stiff neck. Hammocks solve this problem. When people lay in a hammock, the neck and head will naturally fall into an aligned position. The fabric encourages a straight line from the head to the toes. The head is also slightly above the rest of the body, which leads to better circulation.
Hammock sleepers don’t toss and turn, which also contributes to healthy alignment of the neck, shoulders and head. Anyone with injuries in this area will appreciate the ease with which a hammock puts the body into a comfortable position.
Sweating the Night Away is a Memory

If waking up in a pool of sweat is a nightly occurrence for the family, it’s time to take a close look at hammocks. The fabric is durable yet lightweight. Many layers of fabric aren’t cradling the body, which means that air can flow around the person.
Night sweats arise because one part of the body, such as the back, is in constant contact with a poorly ventilated mattress. The body simply sweats to cool off this surface area. Sleeping in a hammock also provides other benefits for your back.
Because hammocks are ventilated from every angle, the person has no need to sweat. Rising up in the morning isn’t uncomfortable anymore.
Gaining a Good Night’s Rest With a Loose Hang
Learning how to sleep in a hammock begins with hanging it in the proper manner. It shouldn’t hang too low because the person’s body weight will bring it down by several inches. Refrain from tightening the hammock too. There will be limited wiggle room when a person wants to shift positions.
Ideally, the hammock should have a loose hang. It won’t have a “U” shape. In fact, it might have a shape that’s more akin to a smile. This hanging style is appropriate for both indoor and outdoor applications. The idea is to gain enough support and comfort to fall asleep for many hours.
Solving the Curved Shape
The thought of sleeping in a “U” shape doesn’t look or sound comfortable. Many people have the impression that this shape is the only way that sleeping in a hammock is possible. However, there’s a simple way to solve this concern.
When a person lays in a hammock, the body conforms to the “U” shape. Move the legs about a foot to the side. Shift the shoulders and head in the opposite direction. The resulting position forces the person to lay diagonal to the “U” shape. A flat position is ultimately achieved. This position is how it’s possible to sleep in a hammock.
Go out and buy that comfortable hammock today. Join this exclusive club of healthy individuals who want to enjoy each day with a good night’s rest. Lazing around in a hammock is the key to a better life and healthier body than before.