There is no time for rain. It could happen anywhere and anytime. Most people check the weather forecast before going camping. But it is not a totally reliable thing as many times people have to face many untoward situations for which they have not planned.
It’s better to get yourself prepared very well, especially when you are going for outdoor recreation like camping to save yourself from any kind of embarrassment and dangerous situation.
Camping in the rain without proper preparation might be very risky. But now you don’t need to worry as I have compiled all the necessary things in my camping in the rain checklist to check it before going camping anywhere.
1. Waterproof tent
The most important thing you need to have on the list for camping in the rain checklist is a waterproof tent. It should be durable enough to face heavy torrential rains easily. It is necessary to save your home base first.
Check out which are the best tents for heavy rain.
2. Tarps
These must be in your camping in the rain checklist, whether it is raining or not. You should also have some extra tarps as they are useful for other things like these can save you from wet grounds.
3. Plastic bags
To save food, keep organized items and other valuable electronics like laptops, wallets, mobile, etc.
4. Waterproof gear
Have at least one waterproof jacket, pants, and shoes to enjoy the camping trip and nature even in the rain.
5. Packaged food
It is extremely difficult to cook food in the rain so, take packaged food like nuts, noodles, snacks, chips, chocolates, bars etc.
6. Waterproof trekking shoes
To protect yourself from falling flat on a slippery path and other injuries.
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7. Waterproof bag
To save your inside stuff. Take it even when you have a waterproof tent as water can come from any side.
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8. Groundsheets
A defense shield between you and foggy ground and also insulate your tent from water and give you warmer night sleep.
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9. Gazebo
A waterproof gazebo provides ample space for setting up a table and chairs to listen to the nearby sound of rainwater.
10. Rain ponchos
For getting out in the rain and wear it while setting up a camp in the rain.
11. Ziplock bags
To save your expensive electronics.
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12. Lighter for fire
Regular matches are useless. Use magnesium fire starter, waterproof matches and lighter.
13. Backpack rain cover
To save your backpack stuff in the rain.
14. First aid kit
To protect yourself from minor injuries and abrasions you will need a first aid kit.
15. Waterproof boots and leg gators
16. Knife
17. Camping hatchet
These things must be noted in camping in the rain checklist before going to this outdoor adventure as prevention is better than cure.
You can also read our list of the most essential things for camping.
Camping in the rain activities
It is usually said that rain destroys the camping adventure, but I think it is a myth which must be ignored when you are going for camping. Firstly, you must be well prepared for any unexpected incident like raining before going camping.
However, in any case, if rain downpour then still, you can make your trip more enjoyable by indulging yourself in some camping in the rain activities which I have briefly mentioned below.
Bring cards
By using card games, the number of hours can be killed, which usually seems boring to spend during a heavy downpour of rain. As in this case, you cannot do any outdoor activity, but playing cards with numbers of games and the number of people will be the best indoor activity.
Chessboard games
A small chess board could also prove beneficial for the exercise of the brain and have hours of entertainment.
Read a good book
In camping, you must bring your favorite books with you, as book reading will be the best activity during raining like incidents. Reading a book in the cozy outdoor atmosphere away from the urban noise will also be a good experience.
Tea talk with your friends
In the hectic daily routine life, you don’t usually have much time for gup shup with your close friends, but it can be exploited during camping especially when rain has stopped you from doing any outdoor activity. So, have a hot cup of tea or coffee with biscuits and chit chat with your friends while it is raining.
Sing songs
Bring your guitar or other musical instruments with you during camping. If you don’t have these instruments, you can also sing loud songs with friends by playing just music or else you can listen to songs silently.
Make a water slide and have a rain race
There are many other things which one can do during rain, but these are some of the most used and highlighted activities in which one can indulge in easily and cheaply.
Don’t miss our review of the best hammock with mosquito net available on the market.

I love camping! There’s nothing like being in nature, getting away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.