Camping is the most important outdoor activity to enjoy the weather and nature with our families. But there would be no fun if we are not preparing according to the campsite environment. With other camp gears, the consideration of best camp shoes for backpacking is very important.
Whatever is your outdoor activity – hiking, swimming, fishing, you have to spend a lot of time standing near the camping site. Camping shoes are for that time to relax your feet. Camping shoes are extra pairs, which we pack in our camping gear to keep our feet clean, while take-off other boots.
Sometimes camp shoes are forgotten or consider as an unnecessary addition to our backpacking gear. But during rest in camp, you sorely miss camping shoes because they serve the following important functions to keep your feet healthy.
- When our feet become steamy and bluster up after a long hiking day, camp shoes let our feet to breath
- Throw on camping shoes during the river, or steam crossing keep our hiking boots dry. Otherwise, wet boots cause disaster and possibly blister up after a long day hiking.
- Camp shoes keep our feet clean from mud and grime, as well as protect us from an insect bite
- Let our hiking boots breathe and dry while our feet are drying in camp shoes after a long day hiking. It feels better when your sore feet out of cast-like hiking shoes.
Camping shoes are available in different styles, sizes, and shapes. But you need to consider a specific criterion to select the best camp shoes for backpacking. Following standard features should be in any camp shoes.
- Lightweight compact and easy to carry in our backpack
- Easy to take off and put on
- Comfortable with excellent breathability to give our tired feet a break
- Waterproof and suitable to cross water stream during the adventure
- Walk-able with enough grippe to hike if our boot give out
Choosing the best camp shoes means to find out which shape and style suit your personality and meet the above criteria of camp shoes. After extensive research, we picked these 8 best camp shoes for backpacking.
Best Camp Shoes for Backpacking – Top Reviewed
1. KEEN Men’s Clearwater CNX Sandal

- Available size: 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11, 11.5, 12, 13, 14, 17
- Available color: Multiple color option available
These camping sandals are carefully designed to take good care of your feet for the ultimate camping experience. Keen men’s sandals features like flexible and lightweight material (265g per shoe) make it the best camp shoes for backpacking. It is also very suitable for hiking, sort distance running and fishing.
Moreover, it provides excellent breathability to our tired feet. Its waterproof material is also very helpful for a walk in the water. You can also wash this sandal in the machine. If your boot gives out then you can also use it for hiking.
If you concern about the material, it’s100% textile and synthetic and bungee lacing allows customizing fit. Its rubber sole has excellent traction with both dry and wet ground. Last but not least its footbed with contour arch cradles supports your feet.
2. The North Face Men’s Base Camp Flip-Flop

- Available size: 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11, 11.5, 12, 12.5, 13, 13.5, 14, 14.5
- Available color: New Taupe Green / Crystal Teal / Phantom Grey / Silt Grey Black
For a hot and fair weather camping trip, north face flip flop is best to choose as comfortable camping shoes. It’s also lightweight and easy to carry in our backpack. It holds your foot but not too tight. The footbed is bumpy like an egg crate that makes it the most comfortable flip flop.
When we come to material, it’s 100% synthetic and comfortable enough to give your tired feet a break. Easy to take off and put on.
It’s good to enjoy active outdoor activities. But when the footbed is wet your feet feel like they are on oil, which means the footbed becomes slippery. It also not strong enough to withstand adverse condition or rough handling
3. Astral Men’s Filipe Outdoor Sandals

- Available size: 8, 9, 10, 12, 13
- Available color: Black Pewter/Navy Brown
Astral men Filipe sandals well known for their comfort and adjustable heel strip, we can easily transform from sandal to flip flop and wise versa. Heel strip gives it a beautiful, fashionable look. Astral sandals are lightweight (178g/shoe) enough to believe that you are barefoot. It is also easy to carry in your backpack. This comfortable sandal also provides excellent breathability to our tired feet.
When we come to material, the flexible G-15 rubber outsole provides extra grip as well as excellent traction with the ground. Its comfortable footbed provides balance and stability to our feet. Moreover, soft synthetic leather with nylon toe post wraps your feet excellently.
4. Crocs Women’s Jayna Slingback Flat for camping

- Available size: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
- Available color: Espresso /Platinum
Crocs women Jayna slingback flat are the most comfortable slipper for women in moderate weather conditions. It is carefully craft with comfortable, durable, and waterproof material. You can also use it in cold weather by just added a pair of ankle socks. Moreover, massaging nubs help to dry sweaty feet in hot weather condition. This lightweight shoe is also easy to carry in your backpack.
It provides an appropriate grip with your feet and the road. It is also walk-able with enough grip to hike if your boot gives out.
When we come to material croc women Jayna has 100% of men made synthetic sole. This sole is perfectly designed to provide stability and balance to your feet. Its footbed with massaging nub helps to provide breathability to your feet.
5. Crocs Classic Clog camp shoes

- Available size: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
- Available color: Available in almost every color
Its lightweight, unique design and comfortable fit make it the best camp shoes. This shoe design allows you to take off and put on your feet easily. We don’t have to wear socks to cover our feet. Crocs are perfect shoes for walk-on sandy, grassy, or even floor. These features make it great for summer shoes for kids.
Crocs are comfortable shoes and provide excellent breathability to your tired feet. Moreover, it is waterproof and allows water to drain through ventilation ports during a walk through the water stream.
When you come to material, crocs are made of 100% synthetic with a removable back strap to hold our feet. Ventilation ports allow adequate airflow that increases our comfort & prevents excessive sweating in hot summer.
6. Crocs Men’s Reviva Flip Flop

- Available size: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
- Available color: Black-Black/Espresso/Slate Grey-White/Black-Slate Grey
This attractive looking flip flop has great features to keep your feet comfortable in summer. Air bubble footbed helps in massage to give your tired feet a break. Footbed shape and design give your feet ultimate comfort to keep you on your feet for a long time.
Lightweight makes it easy to carry in our backpack. Waterproof material nature makes this flip flop suitable for a walk in the water. It is also suitable for casual wear on sand beach.
When you come to material, the soft leather strap is comfortable and supportive to easily take off and put on quickly. Its synthetic soles are durable
7. The North Face Men’s Thermoball Traction Bootie

- Available size: 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11, 11.5, 12, 12.5, 13, 13.5, 14, 14.5
- Available color: Black/Dark Shadow Grey, Shiny Tnf Black/Dark Shadow Grey
If you plan camping in cold weather conditions then you need a great pair of camping shoes to keep your feet warm in a cold night. North face men’s thermoball is perfectly designed as camping shoes for cold weather conditions.
Besides being warm, its material is also breathable and waterproof. Moreover, its durable material can also use for outdoor activity in cold weather.
These lightweight shoes are made of synthetic fiber material. Therefore you can easily carry it in your backpack. Upper material is insulated, waterproof, and durable. Last but not least, the rubber outsole offers excellent traction with the ground.
8. Chaco Men’s Z1 Unaweep camping Sandal

- Available size: 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11, 11.5, 12, 12.5, 13, 14 15
- Available color: Trail Rust, Bow tie, Camo, Black, Brown Two, Step, and Weave, Forest Green
It’s the most versatile camping sandal and can easily adjust to your feet. These sandals are not lightweight but 1″ heel measure makes it easy to walk with. It ensures the comfort of your feet and easy to carry them in your backpack.
If you concern about its material, this sandal made of 100% textile material with synthetic polyurethane slip-resistant footbed. Outsole with Vibram tc-1 rubber and 45 mm lugs provide maximum traction on water and land. Polyester webbing wrap around foot provides an eventually customized fit.
Watch the following video for more tips on how to choose the right camp shoes:
I carefully point-out these 8 best camp shoes for backpacking. I described every shoe with its pros and cons. All of these are highly desirable and best-selling shoes. Moreover, these are all known for their durability & comfort. This article will help you to choose the shoes that most accurately suit your need and personality. If I share my experience KEEN Men’s Clearwater CNX Sandal best suits my taste during camping. And I hope after reading this article, you have found your best as you desire.
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I love camping! There’s nothing like being in nature, getting away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.