If you are a camping lover, you must have pretty much an idea, how expensive camping can be. The cost adds up fast from buying your camping gear to food bills. Especially, for those who enjoy camping in a large number, such as with family or friends. A most key way to reduce your cost is considering buying an 8 person tent, a larger tent rather than buying several smaller tents. An 8 person tent can provide you enough space and make them ideal for extended trips.
Moreover, 8 person tent gives you a larger accommodation area giving you the luxury of plenty of space when camping as a couple, with family or friends. Never the less, 8 person tents also provide flexibility to include more air beds to increase the sleeping capacity.
It’s is always better to have enough space left to accommodate more people. In this article, we provide you the best 8 person tent review and guide to choose the perfect match for your needs.
Best 8 Person Tent Reviews
We have compiled a list of the best 8 person tents considering seasonality (3 seasons and 4 season tents), customer reviews, practical features and the best knowledge of our own. Let’s have a look at best 8 person tent:
Comparison Table of The Best 8 Person Tents
3 Season Тents
The best 8 person tent used for summer, spring and fall :
1. Coleman 8 Person Tent – Red Canyon
Coleman is the leading name when coming to tents and camping gear. The same goes for this particular red canyon tent by Coleman. This tent is on the wish list of many because of its amazing features as it is water-resistant, its ease of use and nevertheless, its affordable price.
The red canyon is large enough to accommodate the need of a medium to a large family of up to eight people to be precise. It has a 170 sq. feet accommodation area. This tent has one entrance but no vestibule which is in most cases is handy. This tent has room dividers that allow you to create up to 3 separate rooms for privacy.
Moreover, with a weather Tec system to ensure that you are protected while on your camping trip even during heavy rains. The floors are strong and waterproof which means no leakage through the floor of the tent. At last, zipper cuffs on the door ensure extra protection.
The poles include with these tents are shock-corded, strong, durable and responsive to the wind and very strong frame. The rainfly is durable and allows you to completely cover your door and windows to protect you from harsh weather conditions. It comes with an expandable carrying bag to make it easy to transport. The interesting feature that its poles are color-coded and come with very easy-to-follow instructions.
This tent is a great investment for camping lovers which gives luxury accommodation outside the home at a bargain price.
2. Coleman, 8 Person Tent – Tenaya Lake Cabin Tent

Tenaya Lake is a cabin type tent with straight walls that account for large space and high headroom and multiple windows are available. Tenaya lake tent has a built-in fabric mesh cover-up top which gives an amazing view of stars at night. The most key feature this tent has is the closet, which provides you storage space and keeps things organized.
This tent is designed to set up fast with the help of pre-attached color-coded poles which makes setup easier and faster. Moreover, this comes with a D-shaped hinged door and includes storm covers all the way around, to protect from water to come in.
This tent has five windows, which promote excellent ventilation to make a perfect match for summer camping. This tent keeps you perfectly dry and comfortable in the rain, thanks to inverted seams and rainfly. Nevertheless, it includes zippers at the corners in case you want an extension, and for privacy, it has room divider as well.
On the downsides, it is not a lightweight tent although it comes with a packing bag with wheels on it. One other thing which I consider lacking is the lack of screen porch which could be handy. However, it is a simple sturdy tent with a reasonable price considering its amazing features.
3. Coleman Elite – Montana 8 person tent (Overall Best)

Coleman elite Montana provides you classic features you want in a tent along which new innovative features make your life a lot easier on the campsite. One of the key point is the generous dimensions of the tent 18 x 6.3 x 10 feet which provide adequate headroom to deliver ultimate comfort.
Moreover, the setup is easier thanks to color-coded clips and sleeves and only four shock-corded fiberglass poles providing all the structure and stability you need. Simply follow the instructions manual in the carry bag and enjoy the outdoors in no time.
A hinged door offers convenient access and exit. It is made from waterproof polyester material to keep you perfectly dry but you may experience some seepage just from corners. This tent comes with rainfly as well to be used in heavy rain. This tent has extended door-awning which gives privacy and protection from the sun.
Moreover, extended door-awning can be used as storage for camping gear and shoes. Due to the mesh ceiling and windows, ventilation is guaranteed. At last, this tent comes with a carry bag which makes it easy to transport. Montana tent is among the very best tent in the market.
4. Wenzel, 8 Person Tent – Klondike (Cheapest)

This tent is on a hit list by many customers for many years due to eye-catching features. The most amazing and distinguishing feature for me is the detachable display room; this room can be used as a bug-free dinner area, storage or can accommodate up to 3 people for sleeping. This screen room has more mesh walls than the rest of the tent so, it is perfect for the fresh air area.
The Wenzel Klondike provides your larger livable area with 16 ft. × 11 ft. floor area. Thanks to cabin type structure with straight-wall and height of 6.5 inches which represents this tent even bigger with the reasonable floor area. Without a doubt, this tent is named as best 8 person tent.
The ventilation of this tent is no match for any other tent in the market. This tent is built in a big window which promotes air circulation and enormous outdoor views. Moreover, the tent has a rear vent that circulates air in the floor area as well.
Wenzel Klondike is perfectly waterproof which keeps you dry during heavy rain because of many key features. Such as, tub bottom and even the zips are treated with water repellent. It is a guaranteed tent that you remain dry inside this amazing tent.
Finally, the frame looks robust and seems are sturdy, double-stitched and lap felled. With its reasonable price, it comes with three colors green, blue and grey.
5. NTK Arizona GT (Best livable space)

This tent is perfect for family camping because of its extraordinary features that suit its needs. Big tents provide space if you are camping for a long period. Moreover, a large accommodation area gives you the luxury of plenty of space when camping with family or flexibility to include more air beds to increase the sleeping capacity. This NTK Arizona has all, with 6.7 ft. headroom and giving you 150 sq. of floor area.
Coming towards its material, it is a double layer type; inner layer is polyester mesh while outer is polyester taffeta 68D. Moreover, it has 3 windows although it’s a moderate figure, that makes NTK Arizona 3-season (in case you don’t know that means it will perfectly work in summer, spring and fall). It has an inner mesh layer which makes this tent breathable and prevents any insects to come inside.
It comes with room divider for privacy and two hinged doors for easy access and can promote ventilation as well. The bottom of the tent is bathtub-style that means it is above-ground level and gives protection from water seep in. The rainfly gets a 2500 mm waterproof rating, moreover fully covers which gives full protection from heavy rain.
It is equipped with fiberglass poles which give reasonable strength to the tent but it would be better if it comes with aluminum poles. Its set up is straight forward and all the quality features make this tent hell of a contender in this list for best 8 person tent.
4 Season Tent
The tents which can be used in all season, winter, spring, summer, and fall :
6. Kodiak Canvas Flex-Bow Tent (Recommended for Winter)

Many people like camping whatever the reason is, whether you want to enjoy nature or on some expedition. One thing is for sure, a proper shelter can provide you a home-like feeling. Reasonable investment and quality tent can provide you that comfort.
Allow me to introduce Kodiak Canvas which is 4 season tent that means you can use this tent without a doubt in any weather including harsh winters. Moreover, it is exceptionally sturdy which can hold up strong wind and heavy snow. Its distinctive design makes it easy to set up; just one person can set it up in no time.
Kodiak canvas is what its name suggests, a canvas tent. The material from which it is made is far better and synthetic especially for the warm environment than any other. However, it is also suited for harsh winters. It is made from thick 100% cotton canvas which makes tent impermissible to the thing you want to avoid such as water, sand or dust. Don’t be mistaken in the meantime, it is breathable like a T-shirt.
Moreover, four windows with no-see-um mesh keep tent ventilated. Kodiak canvas has two large D-shaped doors that provide easy access and steep walls and a 6.6 ft high ceiling provides room to stand and walk-around comfort. Coming to the downside, it is a bit heavyweight tent of 80 lb. (36 kg) which is no surprise, as it is due to high-quality material which suits the need for any season.
Check out also 4 other great models available on the market:
Best 8 Person Tent Buying Guide
Let’s have a good look at the important features of the best 8 person tent that should be considered before buying :
Tent Seasonality
This factor is often neglected while choosing a tent, but it is crucial and noted when you like to camp in cold and snowy places. There are two types of tents, 3 season tents, and 4 season tent:
3 season tents
When you are in doubt which season you are going to use your tent, 3 season tent is your best option, as this kind of tent is versatile as can be used in summer, fall and spring. This type of tent comes with a smart feature that helps to cope with weather deviation.3 seasoned tents contains rainfly, can withstand downpours but cannot provide resilience against heavy rain, violent storms or heavy snow.
Some features are:
- They are featured with a mesh panel to allow air circulation.
- Usually, they are lightweight
- Relative lower cost
4 season tents
As its name states, it’s can be used in any season including winter. This type of tent is engineered with such features that make them used especially in winter. 4 season tents are made from more poles and quality fabrics compared to 3 season tents.
The main function of this kind of tent is to be firm and withstand inhospitable weather such as heavy snow. They include less mesh penal then 3 season tents which promote heat sustainability in the tent in winters but breathable if the quality is up to standards. They often cost more than 3 season tent due to versatile features.
Tent sleeping capacity
The first and foremost important feature to consider how much space you need, the tent manufacturer often gives the maximum recommended number of the sleeper, if you like to camp with kids or pets tfamily camping about sizing up.
Moreover, it is recommended to buy a bigger tent for let’s say 8 person tent, in this way you can enjoy the luxury of free space and provide you with storage capacity for camping gears, especially for long trips although you are just five to six-person.
Floor area: don’t forget to check the tent’s floor area before buying your tent, it may not match with the area where you want to set up your tent. For 8 people tent on average 130sq. feet of floor area is required.
Space and height
Height: Many people simply neglect headroom availability. But I consider this an important factor, it’s better to have a high headroom so that you can freely move inside the tent, especially in big tents such as 8 person tent.
Simply think of the worst-case scenario if you need to be tapped inside the tent for a long period, you certainly required headroom available.
The shape of the tent: Space available inside the tent not only depends on the floor area or height of the tent but also the shape of the tent. Two common shapes available are
- Cabin-type tents: cabin type tent gives you more vertical straight that means your livable space and they usually come with a room divider. This kind of tent may take some time to set up.
- Dome-type tents: Dome type tents are easier to set up thanks to the simple design. They are more robust due to the sloping wall that can resist effectively to strong winds. One of the downsides, due to less height and dome-shaped, they offer you less livable space.
Tent poles
The only question to ask yourself regarding poles of a tent is, What are the poles made from?
Many tents are made from fiberglass poles but doesn’t mean you should choose one. Poles from fiberglass are breakable. It’s the last thing you want to happen before starting your camping trip. However, aluminum poles are more durable but they might add about $100 to the tent price.
How effective waterproofing is?
Nothing more beautiful than rainstorm in summers, this is the case when you are in your home. At the campsite, the scenario is different if you have a tent which is not properly waterproof, nothing can get worse than this. That’s why it’s the top priority for a tent to be properly waterproof. To deal with this problem, a tent must have a rainfly.
For newbies, consider umbrella over your tent to provide double protection. Better to buy a tent with a rainfly that fully covers sides of the tent but foldable from the wall sides so as not to obstruct views from sideways if the rain is not too heavy. Moreover, you can use it to get a little warm even its not raining.
Does the tent Have Quality Ventilation?
You don’t want to be suffocated inside a tent that’s why tent should have adequate ventilation. Any Opening in the tent where air can be circulated must have insect meshing. No one wants to share a tent full of insects unless you are a freak. Try to look for a tent to have a vent at the top, as this can prevent condensation inside a tent.
Quality of the Seams and Stitching:
Pay attention to the method and quality of the seams and stitching because it will determine whether your tent is moisture-proof or not. The better quality tent has folded seams and double stitching. Moreover, using a seam sealer is a better way to ensure the tent is waterproof. Seam sealer means Appling silicon by using a brush.
Tent Doors
While choosing a tent, it’s better to take a look at the number of doors available in a tent and the orientation. This will help in ventilation in the day time and you certainly don’t want to disturb while climbing on each other at midnight for a washroom break.
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
How much area required for 8 person tent?
On average area required for 8 people is 130 square feet however if the tent is divided into cabins or room partitions than the approximate figure can increase.
130 sq. feet= 18720 sq. in= 12.0774 sq. meter
What is the cost of 8 person tent?
well, Quality always comes with a greater price but, 8 person tent can cost you from 150$ to 1200$. Usually, 4 season tents are expensive than 3 season tent.
Do all the tents are waterproof?
Almost all the manufacturers try to provide their customers with waterproofing features in tents. But it depends, how effective the waterproofing is. They use a water-resistant coating on fabric and provide you with rainfly.
Moreover, they also provide other feature to prevent water inside the tent, such as taped seams which even prevents moisture inside the tent. To provide more safety and be on the safe side I would recommend buying a waterproofing spray.
How many people can accommodate inside 8 person tent?
As the manufacturer suggests 8 person tents for 8 people. This is possible if you sleep side by side no extra room to roll over. Anyhow it depends on the level of comfort and luxury from your wants. If I would suggest 6-7 people can easily fit in 8 person tent. Also a thing about your camping gear, furniture, and food, etc.

I love camping! There’s nothing like being in nature, getting away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.